We've broken some stories that seem all too real, like law firm libraries becoming museums (clickSince the last billable hours of 2009 are upon us, we thought it would make sense to put a small retrospective together on what an amazing year it has been for Litination. A lawyer's need for self-promotion has provided us with almost limitless content. From associates that are hard to take seriously (click here for Associate Photo Captions), to partners that clearly lost a twin along the way (click here for Partner Doppelgangers) we've had some fun with what happens when a lawyer and a camera get together.
Fortunately, for the sake of my ego, these efforts have not gone unnoticed. Litination saw its stories appear on Above the Law, Solicitr.com, and in the Timesheets at The Billable Hour. Most recently, we were honored to be recognized by the ABA Journal as one of the top 100 legal blogs (click here).
I'm not entirely sure about what 2010 will hold Litination as I'm a practicing lawyer and the law has been getting increasingly jealous about all of the time and energy I have devoted to this site. Whatever happens, I want to thank each and everyone of you who visited this site regularly to have a good laugh, sent an encouraging note or forwarded a Litination story along to a friend. When you sit down in 2010 for yet another working lunch, don't forget to remind yourself that life's much more fun if you don't take yourself too seriously.
Happy New Year!
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