Thursday, December 31, 2009

Thank You!

Since the last billable hours of 2009 are upon us, we thought it would make sense to put a small retrospective together on what an amazing year it has been for Litination. A lawyer's need for self-promotion has provided us with almost limitless content. From associates that are hard to take seriously (click here for Associate Photo Captions), to partners that clearly lost a twin along the way (click here for Partner Doppelgangers) we've had some fun with what happens when a lawyer and a camera get together.

We've broken some stories that seem all too real, like law firm libraries becoming museums (click

here for story), the Billable Hour being admitted to the hospital (click here for story) and firms foreclosing on non-equity partners' offices (click here for story). We've suggested a disclaimer for the Snuggie (click here for the disclaimer) and urged several small shops to reconsider their web flops (click here for Small Shop Web Flops).

Fortunately, for the sake of my ego, these efforts have not gone unnoticed. Litination saw its stories appear on Above the Law,, and in the Timesheets at The Billable Hour. Most recently, we were honored to be recognized by the ABA Journal as one of the top 100 legal blogs (click here).

I'm not entirely sure about what 2010 will hold Litination as I'm a practicing lawyer and the law has been getting increasingly jealous about all of the time and energy I have devoted to this site. Whatever happens, I want to thank each and everyone of you who visited this site regularly to have a good laugh, sent an encouraging note or forwarded a Litination story along to a friend. When you sit down in 2010 for yet another working lunch, don't forget to remind yourself that life's much more fun if you don't take yourself too seriously.

Happy New Year!


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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Local Attorney Falls in Love with Own Voice

Yesterday, during his closing argument on a price-fixing case, local attorney, Sandy Clamp, was caught completely off-guard when he fell head over heels with the sound of the words coming out of his mouth. According to reports, the fifty-five year old Clamp was methodically summarizing the key testimony offered by his client when he became inappropriately misty-eyed. He then turned to the jury and softly asked, “Don’t you just love the way that sounds?” before requesting a five-minute recess to compose himself.

“It really snuck up on me,” explained a shaken Clamp in the hallway outside of the courtroom. “At my age, I’m constantly searching for a new passion. When I was talking in there it just hit me, all of this time the passion of my life has been residing right there … in my vocal cords.” Clamp stopped for a moment to ponder what this all meant before pulling out a dictation device and running through a string of tongue-twisters all while sporting a grin from ear to ear.

According to his colleagues, Clamp has been in denial that he’s been in love with his voice for years. “While most people shut their doors when they’re on a conference call, Sandy is notorious for leaving his door open so that his voice can bounce off the halls and all who are lucky can hear his long-winded answers to even the most straightforward questions,” explained Jackie Zechman, Clamp’s next door neighbor at plaintiffs’ firm Clamp, Stump & Foster LLP. “It could be worse though, he does have an oddly melodic voice. I mean, geez, there’s a reason we always have him read ‘Twas the Night Before The Class Action’ at our annual Holiday party.”

Members of Clamp’s family agree that the litigator loves to hear the sound of his own voice. “Usually, our conversations consist of Dad asking me a question and then him answering that question for a good 5-10 minutes before getting a phone call and starting another conversation,” explained Trevor, Sandy Clamp’s often overlooked fifteen year-old son. Clamp’s wife, Valerie, was not upset about her husband’s other love. “Do you know how many fines and tickets that voice has gotten us out of? One time, he actually talked to our cable company so long the representative fell asleep. When he woke up, Sandy threatened to report him to a supervisor. Needless to say, we’ve had free cable for years!”

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Monday, December 14, 2009

This Week's Sign of the Legal Apocalypse

According to a recent study, the reason that the general public doesn't have a favorable impression of the legal profession may be because lawyers keep running into people with their cars. Lawyers came in second on a list of car crash rates by occupation ahead of social workers, manual laborers, and real estate agents. Yep, lawyers are worse drivers than people who spend their day looking at houses instead of the road.

Thankfully, doctors take the cake as the worst drivers, but that's not really a surprise because any good plaintiff's lawyer knows that doctors don't have reliable hand-eye coordination. Some pundits believe lawyers are second on this list because of long workdays, but one has to think that several of these fender benders were Blackberry-induced, right? Either way, I guess this calls into question the concept that most lawyers are risk-averse. Buckle up!

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Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Things Lawyers Like - War Stories

Someone famous probably once said that being a successful lawyer is 90 percent about experience. So, it almost goes without saying that if you spend more than a passing moment with a "practicing attorney" you're almost certain to hear a good war story. You see, saying that lawyers like to talk about their past trial and tribulations is like saying that Oprah likes to eat. To be fair, part of it has to do with an attorney's constant need to affirm to clients that they're the right man or woman for the job.

Client (frantically): "I just received a call from the Jones Company and they're suing us for breach of contract, we need some help."

Attorney (nonchalantly): "The Jones Company? Don't they manufacture nail clippers? Let me tell you about a case I once handled for a client that specializes in hair clippers ..." (30 minutes later, client (worn down by exhaustion) agrees to let attorney represent him in case).

It's also an invaluable skill that an attorney can use to intimidate opposing counsel.

Opposing counsel (smugly): "Look, I'll give you 24 hours to accept my settlement offer or I'm filing a motion for summary judgment with Judge Hopstitch."

Attorney (chuckling): "Hopstitch likes summary judgment motions about as much as you like telling the truth. Look, I once had a case with Hopstitch where ..." (2 hours later the parties agree to settle the case for half of the original settlement offer)

The problem with attorneys' love of the war story is that it's really only acceptable conversation among other lawyers. Nothing takes the air out of a family gathering faster than a story from Uncle Eli about that motion in limine he once filed in one of his insurance recovery cases. So, a word to the wise, if you see another lawyer in casual conversation going down the war story path, try to steer the focus more appropriately back to the day's weather or at the very least make sure you're sitting in a comfortable chair.

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Monday, December 7, 2009

Tiger Woods' Attorney Allegedly Seeing Other Clients

According to celebrity gossip website, Tiger Woods' attorney Mark NeJame has been seeing other clients behind the golf star's back. Colleagues and friends have reported to TMZ that despite promising Tiger that he would devote "his all" to the case and saying that the prospect of handling the Woods' marital problems "had him at hello," NeJame has been texting, emailing and calling clients periodically throughout the past week. At least five other clients of NeJame have come forward with claims that he is representing them in ongoing disputes and the ABA Journal has already placed a link to a voicemail from one of these individuals on its website.

Some suspect NeJame's behavior is due to the fact that Woods compensates all of his attorneys based on flat fee arrangements. "There's no question, an attorney on a flat fee is going to see other clients," explained's Russell Wetanson. "Flat fee arrangements are typically all about infatuation - 'I want you, I need you to be a constant in my life' - but the billable hour - 'I need you only for a certain amount of time and to be really focused when I'm with you' - is where relationships for the long run are really fostered. There's even a saying among attorneys that it takes a client paying by the billable hour less than one tenth of an hour to snag an attorney away from a flat fee client."

The story is taking the legal community and the country by storm. CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer recently reported that the news agency is receiving a massive influx of iReports in response to the question "Should you treat your lawyer like your lover?" and Larry King just announced that he will have former O.J. Simpson prosecutor Marcia Clark on his show for the 122nd time in order to address this breaking news. Others are hoping that Jermaine Jackson - who boldly proclaimed that Tiger had done nothing wrong after he had already admitted his affairs - will be commenting on this development.

There is also general concern that Tiger Woods' wife, Elin Nordegren, may catch wind of Mr. NeJame's other clients and take matters into her own hands. That's why Litination promises to stay on top of this developing story 24/7.

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Thursday, December 3, 2009

Associate Photo Caption

"In college, I was a baritone in a co-ed a cappella group called the Tuftonics. Naturally, on a typical day you'll hear me humming a few notes around the halls. Take it from me though, the best acoustics in the office are in the bathroom stalls."

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Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Litination On The Verge of World Domination

Ok, maybe the title to this post is a little misleading. But, the ABA Journal has named Litination as one of the top 100 blawgs on the internet and frankly, after that what's left except for world domination? Ok, there is one intermediate step. I need you, the more than 100,000 people who have visited Litination in the past year, to help make this site the winner of the "Lighter Fare" category. How? It's as simple as stop, drop and roll. Ok, more like click, register and vote. You need to click the link below, register with the ABA Journal and vote. Go team!

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Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Missing Disclaimer - Cyber Monday

Thank you for participating in this fake internet holiday that gives you an unnecessary incentive to blow off doing any actual work the Monday after the Thanksgiving holiday. We hope the discounts you received will help you deal with the inevitable rash of spam emails that are heading to your inbox; and we apologize in advance for the sheer number of messages about erectile dysfunction that you will be deleting in the days and weeks ahead.

One piece of advice, before you email your social security number to your "bank" or click on a Facebook friend request from someone you've never heard of, don't forget that you handed over your email address to the good folks at and Failure to remember this Cyber Monday behavior is likely to result in your future participation in Identity Theft Thursday.

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