Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Small Shop Web Flop

Here at Litination, our Small Shop Web Flops have typically focused on law firms. Today's entry, however, is a wag of the finger at Pinwin Litigation Support (thanks to Litination fan Craig for the tip).

It's true that adorable mascots can help with marketing (green gecko from Geico). But I'm at a loss for this Newark, New Jersey based firm's choice of a penguin. Especially one that takes your documents and crushes them in his briefcase.

Pinwit Lit has a different view. Their website indicates that their bespectacled standard bearer is so popular that he must be protected with a trademark. Maybe they are right. A quick search on Google indicates that Pacific Laser Systems, Performance Learning Systems, and the Peninsula Library System are just three of the many companies that could be on the prowl for a PLS bag-toting penguin mascot.

Maybe what Pinwit's trying to say is it's cold out there in the world of litigation support. If that's their angle, then I can only imagine that the guy pictured on their contact us page is all too ready to offer to warm you up.

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Monday, August 24, 2009

Missing Diclaimer - On-Campus Interviews

While the title of this process has not changed, students should not construe any of the interviews that they currently have scheduled as an indication of future employment. Instead, these are merely intended to be fact-finding missions for students and law firms. Students should use this time to find out what strategies lawyers can use to remain employed at a firm. Employers will likely be using the meeting to determine what kind of public interest positions might interest students. Even if you feel positive about a particular meeting, do not expect to receive a follow-up offer to join what the profession once called "summer programs." This money drain has been plugged.

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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Top 10 Reasons Your Law Firm Didn’t Make the 2010 Vault 100

10) Your firm’s biggest clients were Linens & Things and Circuit City.

9) The performance metric at your firm has changed from profits per partner to pro bono cases per partner.

8) The only associates left at your firm are relatives.

7) Your firm’s start date for new associates is 2020.

6) Nobody in your firm has heard of Litination.

5) Your firm used to focus on mortgage-backed securities.

4) Most of your firm’s office space has been converted to apartments.

3) Your firm thought it was worthwhile to increase its vending machine rates by 25 cents.

2) Blackberries are only a fruit at your firm.

1) Your firm no longer exists.

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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Associate Photo Caption

"What was that? Am I interested in smiling? No. I much prefer to show potential clients my 'what you talking about willis' expression. Yeah, you're not the first person to think it's devastating."

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Friday, August 14, 2009

Partner Doppelganger

If Miller & Chevalier partner David Blair had a
doppelgagner it would be...

obsessive compulsive actor Billy Bob Thornton.

(special thanks to Litination fan R.W. for this one)

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Thursday, August 13, 2009

Next Presidential Beer Summit to Include Supreme Court and Ninth Circuit

In a move that will likely solidify his emerging reputation as bartender-in-chief, President Barack Obama announced this week that he plans to host a second beer summit sometime this fall. This time around, President Obama has decided to invite members of the Supreme Court and the United States Circuit Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit to sit across from each other and hash thing out. Buoyed by the success of his meeting with prominent Harvard scholar Louis Gates and police Sargeant James Crowley, the President said he hopes to encourage “positive dialogue” between the two often bickering judicial panels.

According to White House press secretary Robert Gibbs, “the President is looking forward to facilitating a friendly, thoughtful conversation between two important institutions that very rarely see eye-to-eye.” The numbers don’t lie; during the Supreme Court's 2008-2009 term, the “Left Coast” court was affirmed in full only once and was reversed a devastating thirteen times. This has caused some commentators to dub the Ninth Circuit a “rogue court,” while others have argued that there should be two Supreme Courts, one to hear cases from the Ninth Circuit and another to hear all other cases.

While Mr. Obama is a trained lawyer, he seems keenly aware that the Constitution requires him to be a passive participant in the meeting. “Mainly, he intends to be there for the photo op and the peanuts and to give the judges a disapproving glance if the talks stall. In other words, the President will be playing the role of former President George W. Bush for a day,” quipped Gibbs.

The presence of newly minted Justice Sonia Sotomayor should help break the ice at the meeting. Some judicial analysts believe some of Sotomayor’s past “out there” opinions should help make the members of the Ninth Circuit feel more comfortable. Other commentators are anxious to see if President Obama has any success at getting Justice Clarence Thomas to open up.

If the meeting is not successful at bringing the Ninth Circuit “back into the fold,” some believe that the President may ask former President Bill Clinton to get involved. According to one anonymous White House staffer, “after what he did in North Korea, we can only imagine he’d hit a home run out in California.”

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Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Missing Disclaimer - Cash for Clunkers

While this program can assist a buyer with the purchase of a newer, smaller and more fuel efficient automobile, it in no way guarantees such vehicle will serve the needs of the typical, oversized American family. In fact, once certain necessary modifications* are made, some customers may find that their so-called clunker was actually more fuel efficient than their new vehicle. Cash for clunkers is a program of limited duration and should not be seen as an indication that the federal government will support future programs including but not limited to dollars for doughnuts, bills for botox or coins for camping.

*Such modifications include the addition of one or more of the following: a top carrier, a yuppie wagon, or the timeless U-Haul trailer.

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Friday, August 7, 2009

Associate Photo Caption

"If another partner has the nerve to rub my head for good luck on his or her way out the door to a 'big dep' or an 'oral argument for the ages,' I am going to lose it!"

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Thursday, August 6, 2009

Merger Creates Longest Firm Name in U.S. History

In a move that is certain to send rumblings through the legal community, New York City law firms Kittredge, Milbank, Johnson, Carter, Steiner & Jones LLP and Smith, Peters, Milton, Green, Greene & Neumann LLP have merged to create the longest named law firm in United States history.

The new firm of Kittredge, Smith, Milbank, Peters, Johnson, Milton, Carter, Green, Steiner, Greene, Jones & Neumann LLP will total a combined 9,485 lawyers spanning the globe from New York City to Bangladesh.

Chairman of the newly created firm, Martin Milbank says he is not worried about having a firm with such a long name. “Seriously, I think people are tired of not knowing who is really in charge when dealing with a law firm,” remarked Milbank. “With all of the names listed on our letterhead, our clients will finally know where the buck stops.” When pressed about how that logic would apply to the six names in the firm’s title that belong to now deceased partners, Milbanks brushed aside such criticism with a dismissive, “that’s neither here nor there.”

The new firm’s website is also breaking boundaries as far as how firms market themselves on the web. In an era where law firms are trending toward shorter names and hence shorter web addresses, Kittredge, Smith, Milbank, Peters, Johnson, Milton, Carter, Green, Steiner, Greene, Jones & Neumann LLP is marching to the beat of its own drum. This, however, is not sitting well with new associate Lauren Epcott who is frustrated at how hard it will be to get friends and relatives to get to her firm’s website.

“Honestly, when I tried telling my Mom where she could go online to see my picture and biography on the firm’s website, it was a nightmare,” complained Epcott. “My Mom literally asked me to start over three times, and one time when I was right in the middle of listing out our web address our cell phone connection cut out.” Lauren also remarked that her new business card is so full of names that it’s impossible to write her personal cellphone number on it when she’s handing it out at bars. “Since the merger, I haven’t had one guy call me back after giving out my number at a bar. I think it’s because of how small of a space I have to write anything on my business card.” Epcott remarked sadly. “When we were just Smith, Peters, Milton, Green, Greene & Neumann LLP I was hooking up like twice a week…this is miserable.”

Also frustrated with the merger is firm receptionist Betty Kunkle. Saying “Hello, this is Kittredge, Smith, Milbank, Peters, Johnson, Milton, Carter, Green, Steiner, Greene, Jones & Neumann LLP, how may I direct your call isn’t a walk in the park,” said Kunkle. “I mean I used to have our firm’s name down without a problem, but now every time I answer the phone I’m leaving out at least one name,” said Kunkle. In fact, Kunkle admits that sometimes she just doesn’t say the firm’s name when she answers the phone. “I know it’s not professional and all that, but sometimes my mouth just hurts saying all of those names,” admitted a defeated Kunkle.

The recent merger flys in the face of the recent move by Kipler, Davis, Whitler & Penny P.C. which recently changed its firm name to the symbol “!”. Bill Kipler, managing partner at “!” claimed, “our new name shows our commitment to reducing our client’s costs; just think how many billable hours are saved no longer typing out our entire name on pleadings, letters, etc.” This is a change from the move “!” made two years ago when it started calling itself “the law firm formerly known as Kipler, Davis, Whitler & Penny.” Such a move truly back-fired as most of the firm’s clients thought the firm had ceased operations. What all of these changes mean nobody really knows. One thing is clear, according to Martin Milbank and the lawyers at KSMPJMCGSGJN LLP, “the practice of law will always be more than a bunch of name calling.” Or will it…?

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Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Legalese - Corpus Delicti

Actual definition: body of the crime, material evidence that crime has occurred.

Alternate definition: the latest brand of Axe Body Spray.

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Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Partner Doppelganger

If Seyfarth Shaw partner Laura Wilson Shelby had a
doppelganger, it would be...

London School of Economics graduate, Monica Lewinsky.

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