Friday, March 20, 2009

Things Lawyers Like - Blackberries

Nothing gives the lawyer more of a natural high than the buzz of the blackberry announcing that a message awaits. Although there have been no reported instances of a blackberry message self-destructing in five minutes, most lawyers will jump to read an incoming e-mail on their blackberry faster than Joan Rivers pursuing another Botox injection. The lawyer loves the blackberry, and from all accounts, the feeling is mutual.

Blackberries also help lawyers appear busy. It is a habit learned early in law school when the “I’m studying and you’re not so you’re probably going to fail Civil Procedure” games begin. For the practicing lawyer, appearing busy means being wanted by clients and being wanted by clients means billing hours and billing hours means making it big.

As an added bonus, blackberries allow the lawyer to mix billing with almost any other imaginable activity. Lawyers can be found checking their blackberries while on the way to the printer, at a meeting, in the elevator, at the coffee station, in the bathroom, at the baseball game, at the gym, at restaurants and in bed. The blackberry is also a social savior for lawyers. Blackberries can provide lawyers with needed relief from an awkward date, a painful conversation, a long car ride with the in-laws and almost any “honey-do” list created by their significant others.

They say that the law is a jealous mistress… a mistress that now has the blackberry to help her keep lawyers by her side.