Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Top 10 Ways Sotomayor's Confirmation Could Go Poorly

10. The government realizes it already spent her salary on the stimulus package.

9. Arlen Specter switches back to the Republican Party.

8. Sotomayor is caught Twittering during the confirmation hearing.

7. Justice Scalia refuses to sit for another Supreme Court picture until 2010.

6. Kim Jong-Il won’t stop shooting missiles until Obama nominates a Korean-American.

5. Bill Clinton thinks Hillary was promised the nomination.

4. Joe Biden can’t stop making jokes that he has a cleaning lady named Sonia.

3. George Steinbrenner is still furious about her ruling in favor of the players in the 1994 baseball strike and threatens to close Yankee Stadium if she’s confirmed.

2. President Obama accidentally admits that he wasn’t born in the United States.

1. The press finds out that Rod Blagojevich is in Sotomayor’s fave five.


Chrisquire said...

Hilarious! Submit this list to Letterman.

Anonymous said...

poor Biden, that mouth of his is always getting him in trouble