Friday, February 6, 2009

Things Lawyers Like – Unread Legal Publications

Read all about it, newspapers are going the way of the dinosaurs. They are on their way out faster than George W. Bush on January 20, 2009. Well, ok, there is one bright spot in the newspaper industry; if you’re a lawyer, you will probably find it sitting under a pile of other, more important documents on your desk.

That’s right, the once a month, but still too frequent to read legal publication is showing no signs of slowing down. For a lawyer, these 8 ½ x 11 sized coasters are mandatory. Lawyers subscribe to these publications in order to show that they are keeping up with the latest news in their field. This “keeping up” consists of receiving these publications at their office and scanning the headlines or checking to make sure there is no chance that they were mentioned in one of the articles before quickly losing focus.

If a lawyer’s office does not contain a copy of “The (insert one of the following - ERISA/White Collar/Commercial Real Estate/Mergers & Acquisitions) Lawyer Monthly”, other more established lawyers will begin to question that lawyer’s dedication to his or her industry. On the other hand, if a lawyer writes something that appears in one of these publications, that lawyer will be able to reference the article on their internet bio and in conversation with other lawyers as evidence of their authority on everything tangentially relevant to that topic. This is even the case if the article was only published because nothing else interesting was submitted that month.

More importantly, though, the legal publication keeps the lawyer company while in the bathroom or during a really long conference call when the internet’s down. For that kind of companionship, the lawyer will forever treasure these publications as priceless.