Monday, December 14, 2009

This Week's Sign of the Legal Apocalypse

According to a recent study, the reason that the general public doesn't have a favorable impression of the legal profession may be because lawyers keep running into people with their cars. Lawyers came in second on a list of car crash rates by occupation ahead of social workers, manual laborers, and real estate agents. Yep, lawyers are worse drivers than people who spend their day looking at houses instead of the road.

Thankfully, doctors take the cake as the worst drivers, but that's not really a surprise because any good plaintiff's lawyer knows that doctors don't have reliable hand-eye coordination. Some pundits believe lawyers are second on this list because of long workdays, but one has to think that several of these fender benders were Blackberry-induced, right? Either way, I guess this calls into question the concept that most lawyers are risk-averse. Buckle up!